Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Social Connecting Part of Plaxo

Yes, of course, you can socially connect on Plaxo, but you're not required to connect with other Plaxo users. Its more of a tool of convenience, especially at the Professional level, than for a social connection. For example, when I was creating my Plaxo profile, it asked me to list what colleges or high schools I have attended. Reluctantly, I completed this part of the profile and listed that I attended the University of North Carolina Wilmington for college and Rocky Mount Academy for high school. Ironically, using this tool, I found my neighbor and my dentist on Plaxo! My dentist was also a graduate of Rocky Mount Academy, hence the reason he showed up on my "people you may know" connection. Then I also found my neighbor and his son on Plaxo as well. I asked both my dentist and my neighbor to connect with me, but I don't think they're too active on their Plaxo anymore...I didn't get a timely response.

I can see where this can come into handy in the future after I've graduated from college. I'm not too consumed with keeping up with people from high school, but I do think it is important to maintain contacts with people from college, especially those within your same major or field. In the future when I am working in the health field, perhaps planning a Health Fair at a company as a part of a worksite wellness program, I may want to have a physical therapist or nutritionist be a guest....Plaxo can help me keep those contacts! I don't have to worry about losing a piece of paper with their information on it, I can update their change of address or phone number, and I know right where to find it when I need it! Then, I can also put them under my "college friends" but additionally link them into my professional contacts as well. Ah, convenience at its finest!

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