Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Found Such a Helpful Blog

In seaching for a online program that helps people get organized, stay on task, or manage alllll of their contacts, I found this blog....

Brian Breidenbach's Blog

In his blog, Brian's posts  various websites and programs that help one manage their online contacts or help one get and stay organized. He even posted comments about online programs like Plaxo and Checkvist--two programs that I ran across in my own online searches. It was nice to have a lot of prevalent information in one place. When I read the following comment, I knew that I should look into Plaxo more:

"Plaxo is essentially the contact manager for the web.  While there are several notable contacts applications on the web.  Plaxo seems to be the one that will sync with more of them and with more devices than any other.  I will admit that I’ve had some gnarlyt problems when syncing between a dozen devices or so but I have eventually gotten them resolved." -Admin

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